The united town of sheep and wolves lives a peaceful and quiet life until two unexpected guests turn up – a polar fox and a tiny ewe. No one ever expected them to bring a deadly danger, which can be overcome only if they work together. Only teamwork can solve big problems and deal with serious challenges – as there is strength in unity.
Original Title: Volki i ovtsy. Khod svineyGenres: Animation | Adventure | Comedy | Family
IMDB Rating: 5.4/10.0 From 66 Users
Runtime: 1 h 14 min
Release Date: 24 January 2019 (Russia)
Director(s): Vladimir Nikolaev
Stars: Vladimir Chuprikov , Graham Halstead
Resolution: 1920x800
Language: English
Subtitle: English
IMDB Link:
Source: 1080p BluRay x264-MaxRls
IMDB Rating: 5.4/10.0 From 66 Users
Runtime: 1 h 14 min
Release Date: 24 January 2019 (Russia)
Director(s): Vladimir Nikolaev
Stars: Vladimir Chuprikov , Graham Halstead
Resolution: 1920x800
Language: English
Subtitle: English
IMDB Link:
Source: 1080p BluRay x264-MaxRls
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