The Precipice is set in a pre-apocalyptic world where 2 soldiers, 1 Woman and 1 Man, traverse enemy territory in order to find the location that holds the key to saving them and the country.
Genres: Action | Thriller | War
IMDB Rating: 5.7/10 from 10 users
Runtime: 1 h 24 min
Release Date: 2018 (USA)
Director(s): Michael Hatch
Stars: Vito de Francesco, Benjamin Francis Pascoe, Paris Szep
Resolution: 1280x544
Language: English
Subtitle: English
IMDB Link:
Source: .720p.Web.X264.Solar
IMDB Rating: 5.7/10 from 10 users
Runtime: 1 h 24 min
Release Date: 2018 (USA)
Director(s): Michael Hatch
Stars: Vito de Francesco, Benjamin Francis Pascoe, Paris Szep
Resolution: 1280x544
Language: English
Subtitle: English
IMDB Link:
Source: .720p.Web.X264.Solar
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